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Ready to Learn How to get Top Tier Men to Chase You (instead of the other way around!)?

Get access to 14 hours of unique daily sessions teaching YOU how to become Simply IRRESISTABLE to any man!

+ Unlock your Divine Feminine power and get Top Tier Men to pursue YOU instead of the other way around!

+ Learn how to turn on your "Marilyn" Magnet and attract any man you desire!

+ Break out of Burnout & Make Dating feel Fun & Exciting again!

+ Deal Healthily with Dusty Low Value Men!

+ Find & Develop your Top Tier Network!

+ Meet like-minded high value girls and join a supportive community!

Is this course the right fit for me?

  • If you feel stuck and can't break out of feeling burned out or being negative about dating...
  • If you struggle with getting men to approach you...
  • If you want to understand how to stop being the people pleasing, over-giving golden retriever in the relationship and become the magnetic black cat...
  • If you just don't know what you're doing with dating at all, feel lost or overwhelmed...
  • If you're not sure if where you're living is the right place geographically to meet your wealthy husband...
  • If you want to learn how to perfect glowing skin with affordable makeup to attract the attention of wealthy men
  • If you want to understand how to properly network with wealthy individuals to increase your chances of meeting the right guy...
  • If you want to learn how to stop letting anxiety, depression, overthinking or low self-esteem sabotage your efforts to manifest your dream life and dream partner...
  • If you're neurodivergent, struggle with ADD/ADHD/executive dysfunction or are on the spectrum and still want to date in the top 1%!!! (It is VERY possible!)


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Limited Time VIP Offer!

Gain an additional 12 hours of Bonus VIP Content!

DOUBLE your value from the program for a STEAL!!!
Watch all pre-recorded VIP sessions of small-group coaching as Amy expertly answers their specific questions from individual students of the course on how to best put these dating strategies to use immediately!

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